01928 788230



Aspire Discover Flourish

A school family rooted in God's love.

Covid-19 Communication Update 27.11.2020


This week the borough's COVID-19 infection rate has been the highest in the Cheshire and Merseyside area. We can all play our part to turn this around by following these simple measures.

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Wear a face covering
  • Make space by keeping a two-metre distance from others
  • Get a test if you have COVID-19 symptoms by calling 119 or visiting nhs.uk/coronavirus.

Pupils and families are also reminded to follow the COVID-19 safety measures we have in place at our school.

  • All adults to wear a face covering when visiting or entering the school premises including outdoor yard areas. 
  • Parents/carers to arrive and leave promptly when dropping off/collecting their child – please do not congregate and maintain social distancing as we know that the virus is easily transmitted from person to person. 
  • In schools/early year settings where it has been agreed that a parent/carer can enter the school premises for drop-off and pick-up, only one adult should enter. 
  • Students are to avoid congregating outside school and mixing with students from other schools and should go directly home.  

When should my child self isolate?

Your child will need to self isolate if they have been in contact with someone displaying Covid-19 symptoms; someone who has received a positive COVID-19 test result, or awaiting a test result; if the school has informed you that your child needs to self isolate; if the NHS Test and Trace informs your child to self isolate.

What to do if you have a child self-isolating (see above) but you have another child still attending school

In this case, it is important that any siblings of the child self isolating, who are not showing COVID-19 symptoms, or any child who has not been advised to self-isolate by their school or the NHS test and trace service, remains in school so they can continue with their education. If you are unsure if your child should be in school, please contact the school.

If an adult or a child within a household is self-isolating but you have another child that needs to get to school, there are some options below you can follow to help your non-isolating child get to school safely without risking spreading the virus.

  • If there is another adult within the household not isolating, they can take them to school.
  • Parents should initially approach other family members or neighbours to take the non-isolating child to school (as per national guidance allowing for informal childcare).
  • If the above options are not suitable for your circumstances, please get in touch with the school and we will work with you to make alternative arrangements.


  • You might not have symptoms, but you could still spread COVID-19.
  • wash hands, cover face, make space.
  • Let’s play our part to help turn this around.




Crowton Christ Church C of E Primary School

Kingsley Road,Crowton, Near Northwich, Cheshire. CW8 2RW

Miss L Hill | Headteacher

01928 788230


School Opening Times: School opens at 8.45am and closes at 3.15pm