01928 788230



Aspire Discover Flourish

A school family rooted in God's love.


history.pngbanner.png"With God, all things are possible" Matthew 19:26

At Crowton, we have designed an exciting and engaging history curriculum. Our aim is to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum; providing a broad and balanced curriculum; ensuring the progressive development of historical concepts, knowledge and skills; and for the children to develop a love of learning about the past. The focus on historical enquiry strengthens pupil’s broader problem solving and reasoning skills and supports the development of a strong growth mindset. Pupils are encouraged to become respectful citizens with an understanding and appreciation of other cultures, as well as developing a strong sense of identity and community by building their knowledge of local and regional history and how this links to the wider world. Over time, pupils will begin to use their understanding of how the world has grown and changed, to help shape our future. 

Our carefully planned and progressive history curriculum is designed with the target of all children becoming inquisitive historians by making sure
they meet the National Curriculum expectations to:
▪ Investigate and interpret the past
▪ Build an overview of world history
▪ Understand chronology
▪ Communicate historically

Throughout their primary school journey, the children will also learn about historical events that occurred both here in the UK and in the wider world. We want to give children a secure knowledge of the chronology of history, as well as enabling them to have deeper learning experiences of some of the more significant turning points in national and global world history.

We aim to equip our children with the skills to think as historians by examining historical artefacts and primary sources and helping to them understand that historical events can be interpreted in different ways. Children are encouraged to ask insightful questions, think critically, consider evidence and investigate answers.


At Crowton, our history curriculum aims to give children an understanding of the history of Britain and that of the wider world, both within living memory and beyond. Our curriculum is designed to be knowledge and vocabulary rich to allow children to ask enquiring questions, think critically and develop their own opinions. We aspire to give children opportunities to identify similarities and differences between diverse time periods and to evaluate the impact these historical
events have had on life today.

Through high quality teaching, children will build their knowledge of key historical concepts and will be equipped with the skills to:
• make enquiries
• think critically
• develop a sense of chronology
• study sources
• compare evidence
• discuss different historical viewpoints
• create their own sense of perspective
• show acceptance and respect towards others views

We aim to enrich our history curriculum through the provision of authentic experiences such as educational visits, visits from experts and a wealth of historical sources. Where possible we aim to enhance our history curriculum by taking it outside of the classroom and into the local community making use of nearby resources and places of interest.


Our history curriculum is taught in blocks throughout the year so that children can achieve depth in their learning. When planning each block, key historical disciplinary knowledge and enquiry skills are selected to be taught. We recognise the fact that in all classes there are children of widely different abilities. In history, we seek to provide suitable learning opportunities for all children. Children develop their independence and confidence through individual activities and their co-operative skills during pair and group work.

The disciplinary progression throughout KS1 and KS2 covers Historical Chronology, Historical Concepts, Historical Interpretation, Historical Enquiry and Historical Communication. These skills are set out in the purpose of study and aims of the National Curriculum.

Early Years Foundation Stage
We teach history in the moment through interactions with the children. As the reception class is part of the Early Years Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, we relate the history side of the children’s work to the seven areas of learning and development that must shape education programme in EYFS. These are split into two important and interconnected sections – prime and specific. In organising and implementing educational programmes, the school will ensure that a broad range of activities and experiences are planned, having regard to three characteristics of effective teaching and learning in the EYFS:
• Playing and exploring – children investigating and experiencing things.
• Active learning – children concentrate, keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy their achievements.
• Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

Cross-Curricular Links
History is regularly taught alongside texts enabling children to link narrative to their learning. Specifically chosen texts are used within history lessons to acquire knowledge, whilst providing opportunities for children to develop their inference skills. We believe that our history curriculum allows children to develop and enhance their English, Maths and Computing Skills.

Through History teaching, our children develop knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas and are used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

The spiritual development of pupils is shown by their study of cause and consequence and their exploration of how and why events in the past happened. History allows the children to see the similarities between people now and in the past. Artefacts are used to give pupils a sense of the past and aid pupils in understanding the people who produced and used these objects. Pupils are encouraged to explore the role played by important individuals in the shaping of the world we live in. Pupils also reflect upon different interpretations of the past and how these interpretations have been arrived at.

The moral development of pupils is shown by children considering and commenting on moral questions and dilemmas. Children will be encouraged to empathise with decisions which people in the past made and the reasoning behind these decisions. Notions of right and wrong are explored in connection with events from the past.

The social development of pupils is shown by the study of the similarities and contrasts between past and present societies. They will examine how other cultures have had a major impact on the development of ’British’ culture. Pupils will also be encouraged to build up their own social development through collaborative and team working activities.

The cultural development of pupils is shown by the study of people from different cultural backgrounds. They will examine how other cultures have had a major impact on the development of ’British’ culture. Children develop a better understanding of our multicultural society through studying links between local, British, European and world history.

Children with special educational needs will work alongside the other children in their group, as in other curriculum areas, but differentiation in approach, language and expected outcome will be appropriate to the varying needs in the class. We aim to meet the full entitlement of every child in our school. To optimize inclusion the children’s differing needs for learning (including children with special educational needs) will be addressed through differentiated activities.


As children progress throughout the school, they develop a deep knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the history. Outcomes in pupils’ books evidence a broad and balanced history curriculum. Assessment for learning is continuous throughout the planning, teaching and learning cycle. Key historical knowledge is taught to enable and promote the development of children’s historical skills. Assessment is supported by use of the following strategies:
• Observing children at work, individually, in pairs, in a group and in class during whole class teaching.
• Using differentiated, open-ended questions that require children to explain and unpick their understanding.
• Providing effective feedback, including interactive marking to engage children with their learning and to provide opportunities for self-assessment
and further consolidation.
• Book moderation and monitoring of outcomes of work, to evaluate the range and balance of work and to ensure that tasks meet the needs of
different learners, with the acquisition of key knowledge of each topic being evidenced through the outcomes.
• Regular formative assessment by the class teacher is recorded half-termly via the school tracker to ensure progress is made by every child.

History Concepts Map

history concepts map(1).png


Crowton Christ Church C of E Primary School

Kingsley Road,Crowton, Near Northwich, Cheshire. CW8 2RW

Miss L Hill | Headteacher

01928 788230


School Opening Times: School opens at 8.45am and closes at 3.15pm