01928 788230



Aspire Discover Flourish

A school family rooted in God's love.



banner.png“…with God, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

We are committed to promoting online safety for the whole school community at Crowton. E-Safety is the safe use of information systems and electronic communications, including the internet, mobile phones and games consoles. It is important that children and young people understand the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology.

  • E-Safety concerns safeguarding children and young people in the digital world.

  • E-Safety emphasises learning to understand and use new technologies in a positive way.

  • E-Safety is less about restriction and more about education about the risks as well as the benefits so we can feel confident online.

  • E-Safety is concerned with supporting children and young people to develop safer online behaviours both in and out of school.

Report a serious E-Safety incident to CEOP: https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

Our E-Safety Rules at Crowton

1. Never give out personal information.

2. Tell a grown-up if you find something that is not right.

3. Never agree to meet people.

4. Never send your picture.

5. If someone says something mean online, tell a grown-up.

6. Don’t do things online that you know are wrong.

7. Check before you download anything.

8. Don’t give out your password.

9. Set up rules for going online.

10. Show your parents and carers how you use the internet. Share!

Pause and Think Online: Online Safety Tips for Children 

What is Cyberbullying?

Information for Parents

The Internet opens up the world to children and young people. It allows for many wonderful educational and learning opportunities.

In addition to useful education tools on the Internet, a great deal of content also exists that is not appropriate for children.

We hope that the information in our E-Safety Policy will support you in keeping your children safe in this digital world.

Using the Internet safely at home

Whilst many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offer filtering systems to help you safeguard your child at home, it remains surprisingly easy for children to access inappropriate material including unsuitable texts, pictures and movies. Parents are advised to set the security levels within Internet browsers with this in mind. Locating the computer or tablet in a family area, not a bedroom, will enable you to supervise children as they use the Internet. However, don’t deny your child the opportunity to learn from the wide variety of material and games available on the Internet. Instead, set some simple rules for keeping them safe and make sure they understand the importance of these rules.

Simple rules for keeping children safe online:

  • Ask permission before using the Internet

  • Only use websites you have chosen together or a child friendly search engine.

  • Only email people they know (why not consider setting up an address book?)

  • Ask permission before opening an email sent by someone they don’t know

  • Do not use Internet chat rooms

  • Do not use their real name when using games on the Internet (create a nick name)

  • Never give out a home address, phone or mobile number

  • Never tell someone where they go to school

  • Never arrange to meet someone they have ‘met’ on the Internet

  • Only use a webcam with people they know

  • Ask them to tell you immediately if they see anything they are unhappy with.

Go through the rules with your child and pin them up near the computer. It is also a good idea to regularly check the Internet sites your child is visiting e.g. by clicking on history and favourites. Please reassure your child that you want to keep them safe rather than take Internet access away from them.

Useful Websites

NSPCC https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/

Think U Know https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/

BBC Own It https://www.bbc.com/ownit

Internet Matters https://www.internetmatters.org/parental-controls/

UK Safer Internet Centre https://saferinternet.org.uk/


Crowton Christ Church C of E Primary School

Kingsley Road,Crowton, Near Northwich, Cheshire. CW8 2RW

Miss L Hill | Headteacher

01928 788230


School Opening Times: School opens at 8.45am and closes at 3.15pm