01928 788230



Aspire Discover Flourish

A school family rooted in God's love.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing at Crowton


“…with God, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

At Crowton, our role in school is to ensure that children are able to manage times of change and stress, and that they are supported to reach their potential or access help when they need it. Children are taught when to seek help, what help is available, and the likely outcome of seeking support so that they have the confidence and knowledge for themselves or others.

As a school, we use JIGSAW as our Personal, Social, Health Education  (PSHE) scheme, which is known for its 'mindful approach' to PSHE.

We also have a role to ensure that children learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health, what affects their mental health and how they can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. As part of our targeted provision, we have and continue to access, outside help and support for pupils when required.

Good mental health and wellbeing is just as important as good physical health. Like physical health, mental health can range across a spectrum from healthy to unwell; it can fluctuate on a daily basis and change over time.


At our school, we promote a mentally healthy environment through:

  • Promoting our school values and encouraging a sense of belonging

  • Promoting pupil voice and opportunities to participate in decision-making

  • Celebrating academic and non-academic achievements in order to promote self-esteem

  • Providing opportunities to develop a sense of worth through taking responsibility for themselves and others

  • Providing opportunities to reflect

  • Access to appropriate support that meets their needs

  • Helping children to understand their emotions and feelings better and to feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries

  • Helping children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks 

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What do we currently do for mental health and wellbeing for our pupils and staff?

  • We have a designated Mental Health and Well Being Lead in school that is responsible for promoting wellbeing for our staff and pupils (Miss Hill)

  • In each class we have worry boxes for pupils to share their worries with a safe adult.

  • We have nominated school council members in each class to represent their peers and gain feedback in class assemblies.

  • We hold extra half-termly meetings for pupils who need more regular meetings to support their needs.

  • We have parents’ SENDCO meetings for parents to attend and share their concerns and worries.

  • We have move up days, extra transition sessions and meet the teacher sessions for when a pupil is finding a class move difficult.

  • We have an allocated buddy for all new pupils.

  • We have Key Stage 2 children as play-leaders/sports coaches to support younger children in positive play.

  • We have positive behaviour systems in place to promote positive social behaviour.

  • We have mental health and wellbeing assemblies to promote resilience and self-management.

  • We have a PSHE curriculum that helps pupils to build important life skills, such as learning to learn, habits of mind and the growth mindset.

  • Our ethos is to promote supporting the development of skills and character traits such as perseverance, compassion and teamwork.

  • We have a Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy for our school which is regularly updated.

  • We have a Staff Well-being Charter.

  • We include World Mental Health Day and Mental Health Awareness Week in the school calendar and plan activities for the whole school.

Celebrating Success
We like to celebrate our many successes together by:

  • Posting achievements on our website/social media to celebrate what is taking place

  • Displaying pupil’s work

  • Celebration Worship each week

  • School newsletters

  • Dojo points

The school follows the DfE guidelines for the teaching of Mental Health and Wellbeing in the following ways:

  • Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) scheme of work

  • Active Learning

  • Assemblies and theme days

We offer different levels of support:
Universal Support - To meet the needs of all our pupils through our overall ethos and our wider curriculum. For instance, developing resilience for all.

Additional support - For those who may have short-term needs and those who may have been made vulnerable by life experiences such as bereavement.  

Targeted support - For pupils who need more differentiated support and resources or specific targeted interventions such as wellbeing groups or personal mentors.

Lead staff members to contact if you are concerned about your child’s mental health: Mrs Sam Gibson (SENDCO) or Miss Hill (Headteacher)


Crowton Christ Church C of E Primary School

Kingsley Road,Crowton, Near Northwich, Cheshire. CW8 2RW

Miss L Hill | Headteacher

01928 788230


School Opening Times: School opens at 8.45am and closes at 3.15pm